Featured Researcher – Olga Aristova

Olga Aristova is a second-year PhD student in the Economics Department, with an interest in health and development economics. Drawing inspiration from her Eastern European family background and fueled by her undergraduate courses in development economics, she is...

Limited Lab Access during COVID19 Pandemic

The Michigan RDC received permission by the UM Office of Research (UMOR) to reopen the MRDC, in a limited capacity and complying with University and State Regulations, beginning Tuesday, July 28, 2020. We are excited to be able to facilitate the continuation of...

Featured Researcher – Sara Zobl

Sara Zobl is a fifth-year PhD student in the sociology department on a National Institute on Aging fellowship and is a Population Studies Center trainee.  Sara is also the Michigan RDC’s research assistant, and in that role she has obtained Special Sworn...

Featured Researcher – Joelle Abramowitz

Joelle Abramowitz is Co-Director of the Michigan RDC and an Assistant Research Scientist in the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. She came to ISR in July 2016 after three years at the U.S. Census Bureau where she worked as an economist in the Health and Disability Statistics Branch of the Social, Economic and Housing Statistics Division. Joelle received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Washington in 2013.

Featured Researcher – Isaac Sorkin

Isaac Sorkin is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Stanford University. His research focuses on labor markets. He received a BA from Swarthmore College and an MA and PhD from the University of Michigan.

His job market paper, Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference, exploits the intuitive notion that workers move towards more preferred firms. I use this revealed preference approach combined with a standard search-theoretic model to estimate the value of working at essentially each firm in the United States. This approach imposes sufficient structure to map the 1.5 million by 1.5 million matrix of worker flows across all firms in the economy into estimates of firm value.